61.   But they acknowledged that the bill has almost no chance of passing before the plan takes effect.

62.   But the money is not in the House-passed spending bill for the Pentagon, meaning the two bills will have to be reconciled in conference.

63.   Cellucci and Lieutenant Governor Jane Swift, both former death-penalty opponents, also insisted their bill had safeguards to prevent the execution of an innocent person.

64.   Clinton has promised a veto but the bill may have enough support to override.

65.   Clinton said the emergency spending bills had broad bipartisan support.

66.   Cox said customers can check with GTE to see if past bills have rogue charges.

67.   Critics complain that requiring every bill to have a hearing would gum up the works with hearings on goofy bills that nobody but the sponsor cares about.

68.   Congressional aides said the bill has widespread support because of the aggressive lobbying carried out by the railroads and the unions.

69.   Controversial bills have a way of never re-emerging from House-Senate conferences.

70.   Dalton Yancey, a representative for Florida Sugar Cane League, said the proposed bill would have a significant national impact on sugar cane and sugar beet farmers.

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