61.   But the board said it based its decision on its wish to promote racial diversity.

62.   But the company and one of the principal investigators declined to disclose the data upon which the monitoring committee based its decision.

63.   But the final decision will be based in part on the findings of Chicago-based neurologist James Kelly, who has been treating Lindros.

64.   But the practice of basing their decisions on who they perceive to be the best player available is slowly shifting.

65.   But was the decision based on performance or marketing?

66.   But when he does, his decisions are heavily based on the time it takes the pitcher to deliver the ball to home plate.

67.   Buying decisions are based on many factors, and a scent is, by definition, an intangible.

68.   Coach Bob Toledo based his decision on football effort and academic performance.

69.   CompuServe spokesman William Giles said that the CompuServe officials based their decisions entirely on the names of the newsgroups.

70.   Construction decisions are based on fact, not phantasma.

v. + decision >>共 346
make 32.57%
announce 5.27%
appeal 4.43%
take 4.00%
expect 3.85%
reach 3.05%
reverse 2.63%
say 1.84%
defend 1.77%
base 1.43%
base + n. >>共 1480
decision 4.47%
company 3.74%
report 2.67%
figure 1.60%
estimate 1.34%
conclusion 1.15%
system 0.96%
case 0.94%
group 0.92%
movie 0.90%
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