61.   Wanting to avoid prosecution without missing out on some love action, Frank tracks Susan down in hopes of finding his missing meds.

62.   Without those controls, neighborhood activists complain, out-of-town owners too often avoid prosecution and let their properties slide into disrepair.

63.   Ortega has used immunity as a member of congress to avoid prosecution.

64.   Prosecutors called Springsteen a liar who consistently made up different stories to avoid prosecution.

65.   Protesters have repeatedly demanded Suharto be held responsible for alleged corruption and human right abuses, but he has avoided prosecution.

66.   Another former president, Daniel Ortega, used his immunity as a member of congress to avoid prosecution on rape charges brought by his stepdaughter.

67.   At the time, U.S. District Judge Edward B. Davis said the law on statute of limitations did not apply in cases where a suspect fled to avoid prosecution.

68.   Authorities have long alleged that his behavior was a dodge to avoid prosecution.

69.   Bezdek said any unsanctioned attempts by Roach to leave the country might be considered by the court as avoiding prosecution.

70.   Both men are bitterly opposed to Putin and are living in exile to avoid prosecution at home.

v. + prosecution >>共 286
face 19.88%
avoid 7.91%
escape 4.26%
allow 2.89%
accuse 2.41%
bring 1.86%
recommend 1.86%
seek 1.58%
hinder 1.51%
pursue 1.44%
avoid + n. >>共 1364
problem 2.23%
confrontation 1.84%
conflict 1.24%
tax 1.18%
detection 1.11%
injury 0.98%
risk 0.91%
contact 0.90%
arrest 0.86%
trouble 0.84%
prosecution 0.68%
每页显示:    共 114