61.   It has hosted autonomy talks between Israeli and Palestinian officials and President Hosni Mubarak has played a key role in promoting regional peace.

62.   Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin on Tuesday suspended autonomy talks with the PLO because of the hostage crisis.

63.   It played a key role as mediator in the Israeli-PLO autonomy talks.

64.   Jericho inhabitants staged violent demonstrations in which three Israeli police officers were injured on Monday and the Palestinians briefly suspended autonomy talks in protest.

65.   Last week Abbas called for a freeze in Palestinian-Israeli autonomy talks to review the situation and called for democracy to be established in the self-rule areas.

66.   Korei, a former economy minister and chief negotiator in the autonomy talks with Israel, is a close Arafat associate.

67.   Maylas insisted, however, that the suspect was a gunman from the Abu Sayyaf, which opposes autonomy talks between the government and the MNLF.

68.   PLO chairman Yasser Arafat on Friday played down the importance of a breakthrough in autonomy talks with Israel saying nothing concrete had been achieved.

69.   Palestinians want a speedy resumption of autonomy talks with Israel which were suspended Tuesday following the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier, PLO negotiators said here.

70.   PLO chairman Yasser Arafat went into talks with US Secretary of State Warren Christopher after playing down a breakthrough in autonomy talks with Israel.

n. + talk >>共 398
peace 53.86%
trade 5.03%
contract 2.48%
merger 2.45%
budget 1.95%
settlement 1.73%
security 1.00%
truce 0.94%
membership 0.87%
status 0.81%
autonomy 0.47%
autonomy + n. >>共 76
accord 27.43%
agreement 19.53%
deal 9.73%
council 7.70%
talk 5.74%
negotiation 4.93%
government 2.57%
proposal 2.57%
election 2.30%
plan 2.09%
每页显示:    共 85