61.   Indeed, Muslims in Kansas City and nationwide say they are as offended by the attacks as any other American.

62.   Indeed, diversity-training seminars are increasingly derided as window-dressing, and hiring and promotion quotas are under growing attack as unfair or counterproductive.

63.   In Washington, President Clinton condemned the attacks as abhorrent and inhuman acts of cowardice.

64.   Investigators soon identified the hijackers of the airliners used in the attacks as foreign terrorists who lived and obtained flight training in several states, including Florida.

65.   It described the latest attack as the final act of retaliation for the assassination last month of its leader, Yahya Ayyash, known as the Engineer.

66.   Israelis dismissed the Qana attack as an unfortunate misfire.

67.   It seemed certain that he would regard the Jerusalem attack as strengthening his case.

68.   It became almost fashionable to cite the terrorist attacks as the primary reason for lowered earnings guidance and poor stock performance.

69.   Jews in Europe have suffered a wave of anti-Semitic attacks as world opinion hardened toward Israel.

70.   Jews in Europe have suffered a wave of anti-Semitic attacks as world opinion hardened toward Israel in its conflict with the Palestinians.

n. + as >>共 1563
job 1.33%
year 1.24%
role 1.18%
reputation 1.11%
time 0.99%
day 0.87%
career 0.86%
official 0.65%
thing 0.63%
work 0.61%
attack 0.19%
attack + p. >>共 70
in 29.76%
against 18.82%
by 18.60%
from 8.84%
with 2.56%
at 2.50%
as 2.24%
for 2.17%
to 1.64%
after 1.22%
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