61.   Sunday was the day for underclassmen to move out of the dorms and many parents, who had arrived to help with the move, waited anxiously outside.

62.   The first slide occurred before dawn, the second after firefighters, police and civil defense workers had arrived to help.

63.   The only foreign aid he said he has seen is foreign psychologists who arrived to help workers overcome the stress of the loss.

64.   Tunisian Interior Minister Hedi Mhenni and Health Minister Habib Mdarek arrived to help coordinate operations.

65.   Two teammates arrived to help.

66.   Two more federal policemen arrived to help Viveros and then shots were fired, Notimex reported, citing the Bochil county police report.

67.   Villagers complained that they stood on their roofs for hours in the cold rain before police and navy arrived to help.

68.   Four Canadair firefighting planes are scheduled to arrive to help the two planes and one helicopter which began fighting the fires at first light Thursday.

69.   Argentine officials said Israeli experts would be arriving to help in the investigation.

70.   Unarmed Norwegian observers, who arrived to help oversee the redeployment, also patrolled in white cars but were largely ignored by the settlers and the Palestinians.

v. + help >>共 530
use 15.47%
do 10.17%
can 6.78%
work 4.08%
rush 2.73%
stop 2.67%
set_up 2.40%
arrive 2.34%
create 1.45%
return 1.28%
arrive + v. >>共 461
find 5.81%
take 5.12%
help 4.91%
say 2.98%
wear 1.80%
pick_up 1.73%
begin 1.45%
investigate 1.45%
attend 1.25%
see 1.11%
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