61.   Protestants are split over the significance of the destruction of an arms cache last week by the Irish Republican Army.

62.   Russian counterintelligence agents have found a rebel arms cache in a village on the northern outskirts of Grozny, ITAR-Tass reported.

63.   Russian troops also have uncovered a large rebel arms cache in Grozny, the agency said.

64.   Russian troops have uncovered a large rebel arms cache in Grozny, the agency said.

65.   Since the shelling, NATO-led peacekeepers have discovered several arms caches in the area.

66.   Security forces had swept the area for the past month and a half, searching for arms caches of the violent Armed Islamic Group.

67.   Since the mutiny, loyalist army and paramilitary police troops have searched door to door in Abidjan neighborhoods for hidden arms caches.

68.   The attack came one day after regional police found an ETA arms cache in an apartment in the Basque town of Pasai-San Pedro.

69.   The army said it recently found chemical weapons in a UNITA arms cache in the central highlands, though it declined to give details.

70.   The attackers - believed to be from Hezbollah - left behind an arms cache in their efforts to escape.

n. + cache >>共 40
arm 43.71%
weapon 30.42%
ammunition 5.59%
explosive 2.45%
rebel 2.45%
drug 1.75%
memory 1.40%
militia 0.70%
treasure 0.70%
browser 0.35%
arm + n. >>共 531
embargo 18.26%
sale 7.84%
control 4.61%
inspector 4.43%
treaty 2.65%
dealer 2.56%
deal 2.53%
shipment 2.25%
strength 2.19%
agreement 1.65%
cache 1.65%
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