61.   The animals die a slow, painful death from convulsions, a recent government study said.

62.   The animals died a slow, painful death, said Dr. M.A. Ansari, a city veterinarian.

63.   The animal died.

64.   The animal died of a heart attack.

65.   The animals also die within a week, which is much faster than people succumb.

66.   The reports did not say which animals had died.

67.   The villagers suspect their animals had died because they drank water from the Klity stream.

68.   Until that happens, or until the animal dies and its brain is studied, analyzing a tissue sample is the only way the disease can be detected.

69.   When an animal dies, the bacteria form spores, which are released.

70.   When conditions are cold and snowy, cattle have trouble gaining proper marketing weights, and younger, lighter animals can die of exposure.

n. + die >>共 778
people 17.32%
man 4.95%
child 2.95%
soldier 2.89%
father 2.65%
mother 2.57%
woman 2.54%
person 2.45%
victim 2.07%
patient 1.87%
animal 0.42%
animal + v. >>共 580
be 23.07%
have 7.31%
die 2.56%
get 1.63%
live 1.49%
become 1.39%
suffer 1.35%
come 1.18%
do 1.14%
eat 1.14%
每页显示:    共 74