61.   Warnke said that after pressuring Israel, U.S. inspectors were allowed into parts of the Dimona plant, but were unable to get a full picture of its activities.

62.   Washington has warned Iraq to allow U.N. inspectors in or face unspecified consequences.

63.   However Iraq may allow UN arms inspectors back into the country if the United Nations draws up a list of sites and a timetable for inspections.

64.   Iraq has consistently refused to allow the inspectors back.

65.   Iraq insists it no longer has prohibited weapons or the means to develop them, but Sabri hinted in late March that Baghdad might nonetheless allow the inspectors back.

66.   But North Korea angrily refused to allow inspectors into the two unreported sites, suspected of storing plutonium.

67.   But North Korea refused to allow inspectors into the two unreported sites, suspected of storing plutonium.

68.   Diplomats said threats by US President George W. Bush to take unspecified action against Iraq unless it allows the inspectors back had apparently set off alarm bells in Baghdad.

69.   Ekeus is due to visit Iraq next week to take a tough stand against Baghdad for its refusal to allow inspectors into military sites.

70.   The United States has dropped broad hints it might take military action against Iraq and try to overthrow the Baghdad regime unless it allows the inspectors back.

v. + inspector >>共 235
allow 7.09%
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block 5.36%
prevent 3.91%
weapon 3.82%
accuse 3.73%
accompany 3.64%
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allow + n. >>共 1326
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