61.   The bulk of the allied troops would be in the remainder of Kosovo as a way of enticing the ethnic Albanian refugees back to their homeland.

62.   The Albanian refugees have returned with stunning swiftness after being driven from their homes to refugee camps in Albania, Macedonia, and the Yugoslav republic of Montenegro.

63.   The delicate ethnic situation in Macedonia between Macedonians and ethnic Albanians was thrown out of balance by the huge influx of Albanian refugees.

64.   The early presence of Russian troops in Kosovo, as virtual free-lancers outside the control of NATO, could also threaten the return of ethnic Albanian refugees.

65.   The fighting began as insurgents tried to break Kosovo away from Yugoslavia, and caused the dislocations of hundreds of thousands of Albanian refugees.

66.   The ethnic Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova said Thursday that NATO must be included in any international force sent to secure the return of ethnic Albanian refugees to Kosovo.

67.   The NATO allegations of atrocities are based largely on military intelligence reports and accounts from ethnic Albanian refugees.

68.   The meeting is key to implementing the tentative peace plan that will open the way for the return of hundreds of thousands of ethnic Albanian refugees.

69.   The number of ethnic Albanian refugees fleeing fighting between the Yugoslav army and rebels with the Kosovo Liberation Army has increased by thousands this week.

70.   The plight of the Albanian refugees in Kosovo has become one of the most politically charged aspects of the conflict in Yugoslavia.

a. + refugee >>共 816
palestinian 8.80%
rwandan 8.74%
afghan 5.30%
serb 4.53%
albanian 4.26%
ethnic 3.20%
political 2.98%
cuban 2.83%
bosnian 2.81%
returning 2.69%
albanian + n. >>共 642
rebel 9.83%
leader 6.93%
refugee 3.96%
border 3.15%
militant 3.14%
source 2.39%
guerrilla 2.29%
government 2.12%
minority 2.08%
separatist 2.06%
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