61.   Florida delegation meeting today to discuss fast track authority in expanding free trade agreements to other Latin American countries.

62.   Friday, officials in Paris and Germany denied a British newspaper report that said France and Germany were on the verge of announcing an agreement to delay.

63.   Harshbarger, eyeing the Massachusetts governorship, likened the agreement to a great vaccine.

64.   He called then for a companion agreement to the trade accord that would limit fluctuations in the peso, an idea that the Clinton administration never accepted.

65.   Gutman also said he has furnished the written agreement to the league.

66.   He said the administration would not submit the agreement to the Senate until developing nations agreed to take part in the global effort.

67.   He is one of few general managers able to enforce the collective bargaining agreement to his advantage.

68.   He said, in effect, that the Israeli offensive precludes any Palestinian agreement to a cease-fire.

69.   He would do everything in his power to reduce the Good Friday agreement to confetti.

70.   His spokesman, Dan Donohoe, said that an agreement to use the practice facility probably would not be seen as a violation of the restraining order.

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by 2.77%
as 1.60%
to 1.59%
of 1.31%
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