61.   The agreement also calls for the cigarette makers to eliminate outdoor advertising, contribute to youth smoking prevention programs and make other changes.

62.   The agreement also calls for the developers to sign an agreement not to compete with the state-owned Continental Airlines Arena in the Meadowlands.

63.   The agreement called for a phased Israeli withdrawal from parts of the West Bank in exchange for Palestinian security measures.

64.   The agreement called for a positive ratio of earnings, before interest and taxes.

65.   The agreement called for Iraq to open sites for U.N. arms inspectors.

66.   The agreement calls for collecting racial profiling data and for continuous federal monitoring of LAPD practices.

67.   The agreement calls for Pyle to step down and be replaced by David Jones, who was most recently CEO of Thermoscan Inc., which was acquired by Lee.

68.   The agreement calls for raises in each of the three years of the contract.

69.   The agreement calls for the phone companies to build and own the system and for the state to be its biggest user.

70.   The agreement calls for the preservation of Bosnia as a single state.

n. + call >>共 869
plan 4.35%
official 4.02%
group 3.10%
leader 3.06%
government 2.06%
people 1.96%
agreement 1.74%
critic 1.65%
report 1.08%
party 1.04%
agreement + v. >>共 391
be 27.98%
call 3.68%
come 3.41%
allow 3.17%
include 2.56%
provide 2.08%
have 2.07%
give 2.00%
require 1.97%
cover 1.82%
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