61.   It was unclear Wednesday whether the administration would seek to include Haitians in that extended amnesty.

62.   It is no coincidence, Atwood said, that the administration is seeking to slightly increase the budget for AID next year.

63.   Jones noted that both President Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno had announced shortly after the bombing that the administration would seek to execute those responsible for it.

64.   Last month, the Clinton administration sought to bridge the gap by signing a U.S.-Baltic charter with the three nations.

65.   Like the Republicans, the administration seeks to expand the health-plan choices of Medicare beneficiaries by opening up the program to new forms of coverage.

66.   Lott said he expected the administration to seek the funding soon as part of an emergency supplemental bill that includes aid to Central American victims of Hurricane Mitch.

67.   Meanwhile the administration has sought to mollify critics by changing its own regulations to make the law less onerous to property owners.

68.   Members of Congress have repeatedly complained about Russian arms shipments to Iran and demanded that the administration seek sanctions against Moscow.

69.   Months later, after a policy review, the administration is now seeking talks with Pyongyang.

70.   Nonetheless, Shalala said, the Clinton administration would not seek federal funding for such programs.

n. + seek >>共 771
government 5.93%
company 5.37%
prosecutor 3.10%
official 3.02%
investor 2.69%
administration 2.17%
police 2.09%
group 2.01%
authority 1.80%
suit 1.68%
administration + v. >>共 791
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say 5.67%
have 3.46%
take 2.29%
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