61.   The OMS is used to adjust the position of the shuttle in orbit, and to dock with, and push away from, the International Space Station.

v. + position >>共 549
take 14.42%
hold 5.60%
change 3.12%
strengthen 2.07%
attack 1.87%
fill 1.83%
play 1.81%
use 1.69%
have 1.51%
consolidate 1.27%
adjust 0.47%
adjust + n. >>共 682
seasoning 7.55%
figure 4.22%
rate 2.82%
price 2.77%
position 2.60%
portfolio 2.09%
schedule 1.88%
heat 1.49%
number 1.45%
amount 1.41%
每页显示:    共 61