61.   Other accounts said he tried to strike up a conversation and began shooting when passengers refused to oblige.

62.   Accounts from refugees said thousands of other people were seeking to board trains to the border.

63.   Although the meeting at which they were detained was raided Friday night, the official account said the detentions took place Saturday.

64.   Another account said inmates stabbed and burned alive an inmate accused of raping an elderly woman, and then set fire to their beds.

65.   Another account says the rebels accidentally ran into a military convoy on a narrow dirt track.

66.   Bulgarian and Romanian border police, in two separate crackdowns, have intercepted huge amounts of hashish on their territories, official accounts said Monday.

67.   Casualty reports were impossible to verify, though witness accounts said scores were killed Sunday in the former Portuguese colony.

68.   Contemporary accounts say a huge funeral procession set out with the body of Alexander in a magnificent funeral cart.

69.   Earlier accounts said Dipendra killed his mother and brother in a garden outside the main room.

70.   He was fined, his company blacklisted and his visa was revoked, the newspaper account said.

n. + say >>共 480
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government 1.60%
account 0.03%
account + v. >>共 338
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