51.   Moreover, her death is about the contempt that too many young black males have for their own people as a group and for black women in particular.

52.   More high school students are smoking, with use of cigarettes climbing especially sharply among young black males, according to survey results reported Thursday by federal health officials.

53.   Not long ago, baseball meant everything to young males.

54.   Of course, college basketball remains vulnerable on topics like graduation rates and the false hopes it offers to many young African-American males with few other future options.

55.   One rule of manhood, young males seem to believe, is to lash back when maligned.

56.   One night, two young black males tried to rob a Yellow Cab driver.

57.   Other lyrics played at the news conference discuss rape and violence against women as well as homosexual encounters among young males.

58.   Paranoid schizophrenics, who tend to be young males, sometimes receive their first treatment only after a series of fights, arrests or other confrontations.

59.   Police located two young males who were canvassing public beach area for new female friends.

60.   Police officers say the most dangerous person they have to confront is a young black male with a gun.

a. + male >>共 408
white 18.98%
young 9.40%
black 7.30%
adult 5.97%
alpha 3.56%
american 2.41%
dominant 1.84%
african-american 1.59%
angry 1.46%
the 1.21%
young + n. >>共 614
man 15.52%
people 11.79%
woman 9.81%
child 5.52%
girl 3.06%
player 2.92%
boy 2.23%
adult 1.20%
son 1.19%
couple 1.14%
male 0.33%
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