51.   But, the contrition and scare tactics are yielding few results.

52.   But, with few exceptions, IPOs are high-risk companies with scant track records, and most yield disappointing results.

53.   Carrying a benchmark disk into a computer store to test different showroom models, for example, will yield questionable results.

54.   Checking other brokers yielded similar results.

55.   Choices between customized-vs.-personalized news sites, investment sites, and sports sites yielded similar results.

56.   Clinton said he was confident that the fragile peace process in Northern Ireland would yield results, just as there was progress in the Middle East and Bosnia.

57.   Come to think of it, a spelling bee might have yielded better results for Somer and Chasity.

58.   Daley said past surveys that relied solely on head counts yielded inaccurate results to the misfortune of all Americans.

59.   Democracy is not to be switched off when it yields results unpopular with Congress.

60.   Each strategy could have yielded fertile results.

v. + result >>共 506
expect 9.68%
announce 5.60%
produce 5.52%
report 4.55%
release 4.40%
get 2.75%
await 2.74%
see 2.42%
have 2.37%
yield 2.08%
yield + n. >>共 641
result 13.87%
clue 2.65%
benefit 2.36%
run 2.22%
information 2.12%
agreement 1.93%
progress 1.93%
power 1.54%
profit 1.54%
return 1.45%
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