51.   Still, some advocates hoped that the elections this year would have produced a greater number of nuanced, substantive debates.

52.   Still, Ms. Velazquez seems likely to face another contentious election this year.

53.   That can result in delays in calls getting through and even networks crashing, as occurred in the run-up to the U.S. presidential election this year.

54.   The agreement for it was signed by a previous state government which was routed in elections this year.

55.   The agreement also comes as the government heads into a series of state elections this year in which the PRI is likely to be challenged as never before.

56.   The ban would apply to future election years, not the current campaign.

57.   The current crackdown appears to be an attempt to slow down the reform movement after its strong showing in the parliamentary elections this year.

58.   The election this year will determine the size of the Clinton core.

59.   The key to understanding this years elections is The Boredom Factor.

60.   The party has lost a string of crucial state elections this year.

n. + election >>共 309
runoff 9.72%
fall 8.80%
midterm 7.41%
year 6.02%
weekend 5.62%
spring 4.46%
leadership 4.10%
self-rule 3.31%
government 2.91%
run-off 2.87%
year + n. >>共 1338
time 5.11%
more 2.12%
growth 1.01%
game 1.01%
tournament 0.85%
market 0.76%
team 0.75%
title 0.75%
profit 0.72%
event 0.70%
election 0.65%
每页显示:    共 150