51.   U.N. aid workers struggled Tuesday with new conditions imposed by rebel Muslims that are preventing them from feeding thousands of hungry civilians.

52.   U.N. aid workers struggled today with bewildering new conditions that were preventing the feeding of thousands of hungry civilians in northwest Bosnia.

53.   While rains and winds picked up, workers struggled with machetes and chain saws to remove fallen trees that blocked roads connecting the bays of this tourist resort.

54.   Workers struggled to free the filly, who was sedated and taken in a horse ambulance to her barn for treatment.

55.   Workers are struggling to contain an oil spill that threatens marine and plant life in the northern part of the United Arab Emirates, newspapers reported Saturday.

56.   Workers were struggling Friday to repair damage caused by landslides and chunks of concrete that toppled from buildings.

57.   Workers are struggling to contain an oil spill that threatens marine and plant life in the northern part of the United Arab Emirates, newspapers reported Sunday.

58.   Workers struggled to assemble cots to accommodate the wounded flooding into the emergency ward, many of them hit by shrapnel.

59.   Workers were struggling to repair damage in remote areas, said Sheila Yount, spokeswoman for Arkansas Electric Cooperatives.

60.   Workers struggled on Monday to contain an oil spill that has polluted the drinking water supply of dozens of villages in the southern Ural Mountains, a report said.

n. + struggle >>共 909
company 5.33%
team 5.08%
government 3.11%
people 1.78%
country 1.74%
official 1.58%
offense 1.58%
worker 1.46%
family 1.44%
stock 1.34%
worker + v. >>共 711
be 10.87%
say 8.15%
have 3.61%
go 1.63%
begin 1.41%
use 1.33%
take 1.28%
find 1.28%
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struggle 0.31%
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