51.   Each coffin was laid on its own wooden frame, four of them shaped like teddy bears, four in the shape of rocking horses.

52.   Fresh cement drips over the wooden frame for the roof on the tiny house Adrian Rojas is building on the outskirts of Lima.

53.   Guests crawl into thermal sleeping bags at night on beds built of ice around a wooden frame and equipped with a reindeer skin and a sleeping mat.

54.   It is shown in a reconstruction of the original elaborate, freestanding wooden frame.

55.   Its wooden frame is sunken, as if the home just exhaled another moment in its century-old life.

56.   New wooden frames for roofs sit atop a few red brick shells.

57.   Offenders are strapped to a wooden frame and lashed across the bare buttocks with a rattan rod.

58.   Stenman started with a wooden frame, roof and floor, and installed running water and electricity.

59.   Supporters poured gasoline over a mock Israeli bus made of a wooden frame and cloth, which they then set alight.

60.   The collapsible coffin, a shroud on a sturdy wooden frame, folds into a bag slightly larger than a briefcase.

a. + frame >>共 515
wooden 4.76%
metal 4.25%
wood 3.82%
large 1.95%
new 1.51%
plastic 1.51%
final 1.37%
first 1.30%
lanky 1.23%
tiny 1.15%
wooden + n. >>共 965
box 3.39%
house 2.68%
cross 2.57%
bench 2.48%
door 2.13%
boat 2.13%
table 2.11%
plank 1.91%
floor 1.84%
chair 1.80%
frame 1.20%
每页显示:    共 66