51.   Melted water will flow from the open faucet, signaling success.

52.   Moving the handle rotates the ball over water supply ports and allows water to flow.

53.   Most years, enough water flows down the Colorado River to easily meet the demand.

54.   No running water flows at this shelter.

55.   Open the valve and allow the water to flow out.

56.   Other fixtures, called dual-valve faucets, have two valves that allow water to flow through a common spout.

57.   Pellegrino water flows more heavily than wine, and interesting conversation is prized more than either charm or net worth.

58.   Pollution is a serious threat because the limestone geology of the basin allows water to flow quickly and freely between underground streams and rivers on the surface.

59.   Picture how water flows straight through sand.

60.   Pure glacier water flows through the turbine plant, too, as a coolant.

n. + flow >>共 585
money 9.05%
water 7.56%
blood 3.99%
tear 3.67%
river 3.06%
oil 2.51%
traffic 2.41%
capital 1.90%
air 1.86%
power 1.62%
water + v. >>共 718
be 24.80%
come 2.96%
flow 2.74%
run 2.66%
recede 2.46%
rise 2.04%
have 1.62%
begin 1.36%
seep 1.36%
get 1.13%
每页显示:    共 162