51.   His voice sounded excited.

52.   His voice sounded kind of muffled and thin.

53.   His voice sounded rested, free and thrilling.

54.   His Green Goblin voice sounds like Phil Hartman doing a Jack Nicholson impression, and his hollowed-out face conveys not ravenous evil so much as deep fatigue.

55.   His voice sounded gravelly and tired.

56.   His voice sounds nothing like the perpetually discouraged cartoon character.

57.   His voice still sounded distinctly American, but his concerns were both more personal and more universal.

58.   His voice often sounds like sandpaper scraping wood, rising in decibels with the level of friction.

59.   His voice sounded different.

60.   His voice sounded extremely youthful, with a subdued but definite Bronx accent and a kind of reticence and self-effacement that was disarming.

n. + sound >>共 1184
siren 4.82%
buzzer 3.45%
voice 3.34%
alarm 3.34%
bell 1.97%
word 1.83%
music 1.83%
official 1.46%
name 1.43%
horn 1.31%
voice + v. >>共 553
be 32.27%
sound 3.19%
rise 2.86%
come 2.67%
have 2.48%
crack 2.05%
trail 1.47%
grow 1.23%
become 1.20%
tell 1.17%
每页显示:    共 116