51.   --Watches or wants to watch family members use the toilet.

52.   When the Americans were finished, the prisoner asked to use a toilet.

53.   When using the toilet, always wipe from front to back to keep from spreading intestinal organisms to the vagina.

54.   With a chuckle, Velma remembered how Barry taught Battle Cat to use the toilet.

55.   With the buses, Northrup said, they could not use the toilets.

56.   Will he ever use the toilet?

57.   Within a couple of weeks, both girls were using the toilet alone.

58.   Police kept a close watch on people using the toilet located behind the family.

59.   An Indian man who asks to use the toilets at a gas station is told, falsely, that there were none on the premises.

60.   Bruscas said his big mistake was choosing to use the toilet rather than talking to the officer.

v. + toilet >>共 134
use 18.33%
flush 15.27%
clean 7.33%
have 4.89%
install 3.67%
scrub 2.04%
replace 1.83%
remove 1.83%
need 1.63%
fix 1.22%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
toilet 0.10%
每页显示:    共 89