51.   Later, she was diagnosed with nerve damage in both elbows and, when her hands went numb, carpal tunnel syndrome in her wrists.

52.   Millions of Americans suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome or related ailments caused by repetitive movements on assembly lines or at computer keyboards.

53.   Naeser is now teaching patients with carpal tunnel syndrome to give themselves acupuncture with hand-held lasers.

54.   Musicians have long suffered injuries, like tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome, that result from the awkward postures and repetitive movements their work demands.

55.   Now a new study raises questions about the best way to diagnose one of the best-known RSI diseases, carpal tunnel syndrome.

56.   One of the most common repetitive-stress injuries is carpal tunnel syndrome, afflicting two million Americans who spend their workdays typing on computer keyboards.

57.   One recent graduate, Jerome Little, developed a bass guitar with a twisted neck so aging rockers could avoid carpal tunnel syndrome.

58.   Our students have carpal tunnel syndrome from working on their computers all the time.

59.   People suffering from symptoms similar to those of carpal tunnel syndrome may actually have other RSI conditions, like tendinitis.

60.   Railroad spokesman Richard Russack said some scientists think there may be a link between carpal tunnel syndrome and a specific chromosomal deficiency.

n. + syndrome >>共 207
tunnel 17.93%
fatigue 12.61%
stress 10.49%
bowel 9.12%
war 1.67%
baby 1.52%
gulf 1.37%
leg 1.37%
pain 1.22%
death 0.91%
tunnel + n. >>共 151
syndrome 20.31%
operator 8.78%
entrance 8.26%
project 5.51%
wall 3.79%
complex 2.07%
train 1.38%
system 1.38%
opening 1.38%
accident 1.20%
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