51.   He said French, Spanish and Italians went south at the turn of the century under the guise of colonialism, and now the trend has reversed.

52.   But the trend has now reversed and buyers are seeking names in which they have confidence, according to a study by the advertising agency Hakkudo Inc.

n. + reverse >>共 401
court 9.39%
government 4.99%
trend 4.40%
stock 2.79%
administration 2.03%
judge 1.95%
market 1.61%
company 1.61%
role 1.52%
official 1.44%
trend + v. >>共 401
be 34.92%
continue 14.80%
have 1.88%
seem 1.85%
begin 1.47%
reverse 1.42%
show 1.42%
appear 1.34%
go 1.15%
accelerate 1.09%
每页显示:    共 52