51.   The pathway is marked by rocks and tree roots that can be used as footholds.

52.   The vessels leak fluids and buckle the light-sensitive cells of the retina, much as tree roots can lift and distort a section of pavement.

53.   There are significant tree roots, rocks and rough holes.

54.   Then the jungle invaded, with tree roots prising apart its stones.

55.   They are clustered around six large tree roots, which show signs of being pounded by rocks.

56.   There is a lichen-covered stone Buddha that is caught in a confusion of banyan tree roots.

57.   They pound away on the nuts, which are too tough to be opened by hands or teeth, using broad tree roots or stumps as anvils.

58.   They spend most of their lives as a kind of underground parasite, drawing in fluids from tree roots.

59.   They result from an abnormal growth of new blood vessels beneath the retina, which pushes up the macula like tree roots under a sidewalk.

60.   Thick tree roots defied the blade.

n. + root >>共 222
tree 17.64%
plant 7.36%
nerve 2.33%
small-town 1.74%
tap 1.74%
country 1.55%
ginseng 1.55%
taro 1.55%
licorice 1.36%
basketball 1.36%
tree + n. >>共 372
trunk 13.24%
branch 13.18%
limb 11.16%
root 4.98%
stump 4.27%
bark 2.79%
species 1.70%
stand 1.53%
leaf 1.42%
ring 1.31%
每页显示:    共 90