51.   Although sleepy people are not treated with the censure reserved for drunk drivers, maybe they should be, Diment said.

52.   Although three-quarters of those surveyed believed that infected people were treated unfairly, they also had harsher views about the behavior of people with AIDS.

53.   Among other objections, they complained about cuts in aid to parents of disabled children and clinics that treat people with cerebral palsy.

54.   And hospitals must treat people with life-threatening conditions.

55.   And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the first time gave physicians the detailed information they needed to identify and treat people infected.

56.   And the officers, for the most part, treated the people respectfully.

57.   And then, there are constitutional questions about taking private property and treating people unequally.

58.   And when we know that we are being monitored almost continuously, do we begin to treat other people differently?

59.   Any country that treated its people with such acute disregard, as Israel did the Palestinians, would never see my tourism dollars.

60.   Another is that many of the participants at the conference were doctors who treat infected people for whom the drug combinations have not worked as well.

v. + people >>共 706
kill 16.68%
injure 6.37%
arrest 4.06%
wound 2.62%
help 1.81%
have 1.53%
treat 1.41%
see 1.30%
detain 1.12%
keep 1.11%
treat + n. >>共 888
patient 6.34%
people 6.04%
disease 3.08%
victim 2.09%
child 2.08%
woman 1.84%
case 1.34%
man 1.29%
cancer 1.24%
condition 0.99%
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