51.   The language is supposed to be realistic and maybe it is realistic, but it often feels self-conscious, like an overly thick Southern accent.

52.   The owner, a gentleman with a thick English accent, greeted me from his jumble of an office and asked me how much I was looking to spend.

53.   The Starkadders, a rural Sussex clan, speak in an extremely thick accent and behave like a cross between the Beverly Hillbillies and the Addams Family.

54.   This may have been because U.S. audiences were put off by the thick cockney accents.

55.   When he spoke, his thick accent betrayed his New York origins.

56.   When the film was released here, he was just an unknown actor with an Australian accent so thick that his voice was dubbed.

57.   With his thick Appalachian accent, penchant for using double negatives and earthy slang, Cyrus exudes boyish, backwoods sincerity.

58.   Witty and grandiloquent with a thick German accent, Burg stood for tolerance in relations between religious and secular Jews.

59.   First there was the heavily Roman nature of the principals -- their thick accents, their brazen attitude, seen as typically Roman.

60.   From the seat of his rusting tractor, Jean Corrocher lends a thick southern French accent to his musings on his local candidate, Socialist leader Lionel Jospin.

a. + accent >>共 489
southern 5.86%
british 5.69%
thick 4.02%
english 3.90%
french 3.57%
american 2.96%
heavy 2.57%
foreign 2.51%
german 2.01%
regional 1.78%
thick + n. >>共 914
smoke 8.40%
fog 5.35%
cloud 4.34%
layer 3.27%
glass 2.30%
haze 1.89%
hair 1.89%
forest 1.78%
skin 1.62%
accent 1.58%
每页显示:    共 72