51.   When I was a resident, a patient was going to terminate her pregnancy, but when we said it was twins, she decided to have them.

52.   Will declared that legalized abortion is the culprit, making a giant leap between terminating a pregnancy and snuffing out a life already born.

53.   Withholding that information from patients would be unethical for American doctors, he said, and would make a subsequent decision to terminate the pregnancy more difficult.

54.   Would terminating my pregnancy have prevented the recurrences or changed my survival possibilities?

55.   Women who are in poor shape emotionally after an abortion are likely to have been feeling bad about their lives before terminating their pregnancies, the study found.

56.   A new bill that would allow minors to have an abortion without parental consent and extend the cutoff for legally terminating pregnancy was unveiled Wednesday in the French Cabinet.

57.   A floating clinic sets sail for Dublin next week to ferry women seeking to terminate pregnancies to international waters, beyond the reach of Irish law that forbids abortions.

58.   Advocates of easier access to abortion say many Polish women have had pregnancies terminated illegally or in other countries.

59.   Among the public, the younger generation, backed by leftist politicians, largely wants to give women more freedom to terminate unwanted pregnancies.

60.   But while anti-abortion groups issued statements comparing abortion to murder, there were no protests at the hospitals and clinics now offering to terminate pregnancies.

v. + pregnancy >>共 132
prevent 15.89%
terminate 12.88%
end 10.37%
avoid 3.51%
reduce 2.84%
have 2.84%
hide 2.51%
abort 2.17%
announce 2.01%
carry 2.01%
terminate + n. >>共 208
contract 22.69%
pregnancy 9.34%
agreement 7.04%
deal 3.52%
service 3.03%
lease 2.79%
benefit 2.43%
right 2.18%
program 1.94%
talk 1.70%
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