51.   The pundits will talk in the days ahead of the tactical errors the former U.S. Senator from New Jersey made, and he did make his share.

52.   The union also made a tactical error by striking now, when the mail-order business is slow.

53.   Then there was the crippling tactical error from the committee chairman, Fred Thompson, in saying he would prove the Chinese connection.

54.   This is a critical tactical error.

55.   This season the musicians may have committed a tactical error.

56.   Wars have been lost on lesser tactical errors.

57.   Voucher supporters said they made a tactical error of getting voucher proposals on the same ballot as the highly charged presidential and congressional races.

58.   When Bachardy expressed surprise about public interest in the painting, he realized his tactical error.

59.   Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who served as housing minister in the previous Labor government, said Netanyahu made a tactical error in announcing the construction.

60.   He said Bush made a tactical error in turning his back to the audience at the very start.

a. + error >>共 558
human 9.64%
unforced 8.83%
pilot 6.28%
throwing 5.78%
sampling 3.68%
serious 2.08%
medical 1.98%
tactical 1.62%
fatal 1.34%
forehand 1.22%
tactical + n. >>共 336
error 5.61%
move 4.29%
advantage 4.04%
reason 4.04%
mistake 3.30%
decision 3.30%
alert 1.73%
retreat 1.73%
blunder 1.65%
unit 1.65%
每页显示:    共 68