51.   Remove the soup from the heat and swirl in fresh thyme, if using, and the olive oil.

52.   Quiet carnality swirls in the torrid exhales, smoky calligraphy skywriting lust and desire.

53.   Rumors have swirled in Christian County in recent months as Kelley acquired land from several local owners without discussing his plans for the land.

54.   Rumors swirled in the newsroom.

55.   Remove from heat and swirl in butter and parsley.

56.   Remove the sauce from the heat and swirl in the butter.

57.   She sleeps peacefully, new genes swirling in her blood.

58.   She gestured with her hands, and you could see the gold hooks she calls fingernails swirling in the dank air.

59.   She swirls in circles and speaks in rhymes.

60.   So I reduced it, swirled in some of the butter intended to dress the lentils, and I had a fine red wine sauce.

v. + in >>共 995
live 3.94%
say 2.38%
remain 2.16%
be 1.95%
kill 1.91%
work 1.82%
base 1.78%
use 1.69%
die 1.53%
stay 1.52%
swirl 0.02%
swirl + p. >>共 51
around 43.15%
in 12.99%
about 6.29%
through 5.38%
with 3.55%
into 3.55%
for 3.45%
over 2.23%
to 1.62%
on 1.42%
每页显示:    共 127