51.   What makes the cuts difficult is that next year is an election year, when expenditures traditionally rise as the ruling party attempts to sway voters.

52.   Whether the theatrics of confrontation will help sway voters, or whether the issue itself is a touchstone issue for voters, is debatable.

53.   Peres leads Netanyahu by about five percentage points in most polls, but an attack could sway enough voters to give Netanyahu a victory.

54.   A bout of privatizations had made it harder for the PRI to sway voters with the promise of jobs.

55.   Activists of both candidates tried to sway voters at the last minute.

56.   APTV has the last minute rallies and final attempts to sway voters.

57.   Both polls were completed Thursday, just before leaders from both sides held a nationally televised debate that many observers expected to help sway voters.

58.   Both polls were completed Thursday, just before leaders from both sides held a nationally televised debate that many observers expected to help sway uncertain voters.

59.   Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer said the campaign wanted to make sure the Clinton administration was not orchestrating events that could sway voters.

60.   But their real purpose is not to sway voters, he said.

v. + voter >>共 539
woo 3.47%
attract 3.43%
register 3.31%
alienate 2.93%
intimidate 2.58%
sway 2.48%
court 2.07%
turn 2.00%
reach 1.91%
influence 1.46%
sway + n. >>共 185
voter 13.27%
vote 6.80%
building 4.08%
judge 3.91%
jury 3.57%
opinion 3.23%
decision 3.23%
juror 2.21%
election 2.04%
people 1.87%
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