51.   Direct international flights to Libya have been suspended following a UN-imposed embargo.

52.   The UN human rights mission has resumed activities in Rwanda which were suspended following the murder of five of its members in February, a UN spokesman said.

53.   Two police officers were suspended following the incident, the sources said, adding Arafat was looked calm.

54.   Youri Djorkaeff is suspended following his sending-off against Nantes and Patrick Blondeau is out with a left thigh problem.

55.   Israeli-Syrian peace talks have been frozen since February, when they were suspended following a spate of Islamic militant suicide attacks in the Jewish state.

56.   Junior doctors staged a strike in August and September, which was later suspended following the intervention of the Sierra Leone Medical and Dental Association and the government.

57.   Meanwhile, operation of another ventilation system at an asphalt storehouse in the plant was also suspended following an alarm indicating abnormal atmospheric pressure inside the storehouse.

58.   Passenger transport links between France and Algeria were temporarily suspended following the Airbus hijack over Christmas, and are not expected to resume fully for some weeks.

59.   Shops and markets on the Bangladesh side were shut and trading was suspended following the incident, the daily said, adding residents were moved to safety.

60.   Shares of Hutchison, Hong Kong Electric, Cheung Kong Holdings and Cheung Kong Infrastructure were suspended following the takeover offer.

v. + follow >>共 636
be 12.79%
rise 3.43%
fall 3.36%
arrest 3.22%
resign 2.19%
suspend 2.16%
die 1.89%
say 1.61%
release 1.41%
make 1.37%
suspend + v. >>共 52
pend 48.02%
follow 19.15%
allow 6.69%
trade 6.08%
be 1.82%
bomb 0.91%
avoid 0.91%
facilitate 0.91%
protest 0.91%
start 0.91%
每页显示:    共 63