51.   The seven-year waiting period has emboldened EU opponents in Central Europe, and has caused many supporters to have second thoughts.

52.   The Ustashe supporters also have a powerful ally in the Catholic Church in Croatia.

53.   Treaty supporters had little reason to expect Republican backing.

54.   When Atlanta applied for the Olympics, supporters had to convince critics it was no longer a backwater Southern town marked by racism and provincialism.

55.   When it came to God vs. gambling, lottery supporters had the numbers.

56.   With personal identification numbers for all forms of ballots, he said, supporters will not have the privacy Americans have in most elections.

57.   Opposition supporters had set up barricades and trenches throughout the city over the weekend to prevent military vehicles from entering.

58.   A Scottish man had cerebral bleeding and a Polish supporter had non-life threatening injuries, Jeonju World Cup stadium spokesman Mun Nam-seob said.

59.   An hour later, McCain supporters had their own news conference to defend the bill.

60.   Any Taliban supporters would also have to change their agenda, which he said currently calls for destabilizing neighboring central Asian republics, including Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

n. + have >>共 1318
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supporter + v. >>共 778
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