51.   Supporters believe the law will withstand a court challenge and provide a reasonable way to protect children from Internet smut.

52.   Supporters believed a unanimous vote would send a strong signal to Belgrade to offer a political solution to the Albanians.

53.   Supporters believe the time was ripe for the Socialists, which some opinion polls show to be in a tight race with the conservative opposition New Democracy party.

54.   Supporters of sampling believe it will help account for portions of the population undercounted in previous counts, including minorities and inner-city residents who historically vote Democrat.

55.   Supporters believe rabbis should affirm committed relationships between Jewish gays and lesbians as sacred, just like Jewish marriage.

56.   The Maariv newspaper reported Sunday that Shas supporters believe the source was a police officer who leaked information gathered from wiretaps of Deri.

57.   However, this is a rarely used power and supporters of Johnson believe he has been treated unfairly and singled out because of his high profile as England skipper.

58.   Cliftonville supporters believe the demonstration was in retaliation for nationalist protests against Orange parades passing through Catholic areas during the summer marching season.

59.   Polls show that as many as a quarter of left-wing supporters believe it is essential to avoid another period of left-right power-sharing.

60.   Supporters of Johnson believe he has been treated unfairly, singled out because of his high-profile and status as England skipper.

n. + believe >>共 628
official 8.24%
police 7.86%
analyst 6.69%
expert 4.89%
people 4.77%
investigator 4.12%
authority 4.01%
scientist 3.11%
observer 2.53%
researcher 1.72%
supporter 0.35%
supporter + v. >>共 778
say 25.41%
be 6.62%
argue 2.78%
hope 1.43%
have 1.20%
call 0.99%
include 0.96%
contend 0.90%
believe 0.90%
want 0.87%
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