51.   The nearest subway stop is a long walk.

52.   The new terminal incorporates pedestrian bridges that connect to the subway stop and to two new parking garages.

53.   The proposal also calls for a second rail line to run from the Howard Beach subway stop in Queens to the airport loop.

54.   The possible targets included the Yishun subway stop, in a residential neighborhood of pastel-colored apartments.

55.   The ride continued through at least two more subway stops and the person still said nothing, Shatles said.

56.   The residents tend to be older working-class immigrants, many from Eastern Europe, and upwardly mobile professionals hustling to and from the IRT express subway stop on Broadway.

57.   The Yankees playing in the Bronx and the Giants in Manhattan were only one subway stop away from each other.

58.   Then there is Irabu, who is now about one subway stop away from the Bronx.

59.   They hang out on the same few blocks, only occasionally making use of the nearby Utica Avenue subway stop.

60.   This is the first time subway stops have been shut for an inauguration.

n. + stop >>共 416
campaign 17.74%
traffic 12.42%
subway 6.35%
tour 4.21%
violence 2.76%
tourist 1.59%
heart 1.31%
transit 1.17%
music 1.04%
train 1.04%
subway + n. >>共 283
station 17.16%
attack 13.63%
system 8.05%
train 6.85%
line 6.58%
car 6.30%
stop 3.15%
worker 3.08%
platform 2.47%
rider 1.92%
每页显示:    共 92