51.   They said the eligibility criteria based on structural adjustment, economic reforms and debt sustainability analysis should be relaxed to include as many African countries as possible.

52.   Transparency, the basic element for the success of the structural adjustment program, was a main goal of devising new standards.

53.   Using the language of financial experts, Annan said structural adjustment programs, privatization and enterprise restructuring have increased unemployment levels in Latin America.

54.   While the problem differs from country to country, the conditionalities and the structural adjustment programmes imposed by the IMF are similar in Indonesia, Thailand and South Korea.

55.   Willis praised the World Bank for assigning a loan package to Papua New Guinea with the rider that it be used for structural adjustment to the economy.

56.   Ghanaians have since the beginning of the year faced a massive rise in the cost of living largely due to austerity measures brought in under a structural adjustment programme.

57.   He called on donor countries to continue to provide financial support and to help structural adjustment efforts.

58.   However, other key posts are still held by members of the presidential movement to continue the economic structural adjustment programme with the International Monetary Fund.

59.   However, the pace of the recovery to date had been only moderate, and various structural adjustment measures remain strong.

60.   It is in the process of implementing a structural adjustment program in return for loans.

a. + adjustment >>共 386
structural 5.81%
minor 5.74%
necessary 4.07%
seasonal 3.63%
major 2.98%
technical 2.54%
biggest 2.32%
small 2.18%
big 2.03%
slight 1.89%
structural + n. >>共 332
reform 17.47%
damage 13.24%
change 9.76%
problem 8.41%
engineer 4.79%
adjustment 3.72%
integrity 1.30%
weakness 1.16%
defect 1.12%
flaw 0.93%
每页显示:    共 80