51.   The rules chiefly affect network security products rather than retail packages tailored for consumers, which can already be exported without strict requirements.

52.   The strict requirements for membership have led to thousands of journalists, who work mostly for opposition or independent newspapers, not being able to join.

53.   They say the currency union is bound to fail because Germany and other prospective members cannot meet strict fiscal requirements, such as debt reduction.

54.   To receive government financial help, claimants must meet strict financial requirements and must convince a local board of lawyers that there are reasonable grounds for a case.

55.   Unfairness is the main issue of this matter, since Indonesian lawyers cannot practice law in foreign countries unless they have met very strict requirements.

56.   Argentine cabinet chief Alfredo Atanasof raised the fear of regional contagion as a way to get the IMF to soften its strict requirements.

57.   Camdessus said that if European growth rates are below projections, it would be preferable to ease the strict requirements for the single currency rather than delay its introduction.

58.   China has introduced a new system allowing mainlanders to apply for resettlement in Hong Kong, easing previously strict bureaucratic requirements, it was reported Wednesday.

59.   Critics say Western countries impose strict environmental requirements on exports of developing countries to shut out cheaper exports.

60.   New EU members have to adopt the euro, and Brussels has strict requirements on the independence of central banks.

a. + requirement >>共 700
new 6.74%
legal 5.02%
reporting 4.05%
minimum 3.52%
federal 2.98%
stringent 1.80%
such 1.74%
licensing 1.72%
strict 1.69%
specific 1.64%
strict + n. >>共 741
rule 9.15%
law 5.26%
control 5.10%
limit 3.80%
security 2.77%
interpretation 2.49%
guideline 2.49%
regulation 2.20%
condition 2.09%
code 2.02%
requirement 1.10%
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