51.   The place to be seen is again the street corner.

52.   The telephone box on the street corner -- it is out of order.

53.   On one occasion I stopped to pray before the statue of a saint at a street corner and noticed the lamp burning before it.

54.   Even here the Communists had little success, their activity remaining on the third level of faction fighting and street corner abuse of the rest of the labour movement.

55.   Police have received scores of complaints about dealers openly plying their trade in front of small children on street corners.

56.   They hang around street corners, facing the dangers of speeding traffic.

57.   Here and there you see a black-bereted soldier chewing a fag on a street corner.

58.   Almost on every street corner in Houston, the lawyers appear.

59.   Along the way to the military ceremony in the square, other men waited in groups at the street corners to fall in with the procession.

60.   Already, huge signs and banners on almost every downtown street corner cheer the event.

a. + corner >>共 674
street 16.31%
right 7.12%
left 5.90%
far 3.85%
top 2.65%
northwest 2.59%
upper 2.44%
remote 2.15%
outside 2.11%
dark 1.92%
street + n. >>共 779
protest 10.69%
corner 9.57%
vendor 4.93%
clothes 3.15%
demonstration 2.96%
child 2.75%
crime 2.68%
battle 2.58%
violence 2.55%
light 2.28%
每页显示:    共 783