51.   Bejing also warned that Australia should not allow its defence relationship with the United States to upset the strategic balance in the Asia-Pacific region.

52.   China, which is not a party to the ABM treaty, said the US should take into account the world strategic balance in its decision.

53.   China has consistently expressed its opposition to a US missile defence scheme, saying it will upset the global strategic balance and could spark a new arms race.

54.   The United States reviewed the sale and decided it would not materially alter the strategic balance between Ecuador and Peru, the embassy said.

55.   Lima said the purchase would upset the strategic balance between the two nations and recalled its ambassador from Washington over the arms transaction.

56.   Lima said the purchase would upset the strategic balance between the two nations.

57.   Russia is wary about Warsaw Pact allies of the erstwhile Soviet Union joining NATO, on grounds that it might upset the strategic balance in Europe.

a. + balance >>共 462
delicate 7.91%
right 5.81%
better 3.35%
good 3.18%
competitive 3.14%
perfect 2.97%
military 2.67%
strategic 2.45%
political 2.06%
proper 1.94%
strategic + n. >>共 794
alliance 4.37%
partner 3.02%
plateau 2.66%
plan 2.28%
point 2.13%
importance 2.04%
interest 1.75%
location 1.71%
partnership 1.68%
town 1.61%
balance 0.98%
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