51.   Moreover, Yeltsin is getting active support from strange international bedfellows.

52.   Network television and gay Americans remain strange bedfellows.

53.   On the other side of the debate are some strange bedfellows.

54.   Once again this exemplary museum proves that connoisseurship and anthropology do not make strange bedfellows.

55.   Once in a while, politics makes something much worse than strange bedfellows.

56.   Other strange bedfellows are Apple Computer Corp. and Microsoft, whose operating systems are direct competitors.

57.   Politics makes strange bedfellows, and running for president does strange things to Honest Bob Dole.

58.   Politics makes strange bedfellows.

59.   Politics does not just make strange bedfellows.

60.   Political movies rarely make strange bedfellows.

a. + bedfellow >>共 30
strange 64.04%
political 8.87%
odd 6.40%
unlikely 2.96%
new 1.48%
stranger 1.48%
uneasy 1.48%
inseparable 0.99%
natural 0.99%
strangest 0.99%
strange + n. >>共 1145
thing 6.76%
way 3.81%
bedfellow 3.28%
place 1.87%
noise 1.74%
land 1.54%
twist 1.46%
sound 1.29%
man 1.26%
time 1.01%
每页显示:    共 129