51.   A nervous referee steps forward with the headless carcass, tosses it into the center and sprints for the sidelines.

52.   Boeing confirmed in January that it was considering a high-speed airplane, but said Wednesday that high customer demand had moved plans another step forward.

53.   Diniz said the team has the technical potential and the people to make an important step forward next season.

54.   Elections in Russia and Haiti will move those countries another step forward into a democratic future.

55.   Further negotiations are an essential step in moving forward the peace process, something Yeltsin considers vital to his chances of re-election next month.

56.   In its effort to overcome the economic crisis, the military has also moved many steps forward.

57.   McGuinness said the IRA leadership had made a huge step forward to end the disarmament deadlock.

58.   Moving a step forward, assume you have identified the breakthroughapplications or solutions you would like to have implemented using thedata warehouse.

59.   On Saturday, they swap places as the son steps forward to take his turn and the father stands by.

60.   Secretary for Economic Services Stephen Ip, however, said it was a good deal and a major step forward in transforming and stimulating the local economy.

n. + forward >>共 296
step 10.36%
move 8.88%
power 2.37%
company 1.78%
clock 1.78%
talk 1.63%
rookie 1.18%
way 1.18%
effort 1.04%
freshman 1.04%
step + v. >>共 801
be 31.70%
improve 2.27%
protect 2.05%
include 1.86%
prevent 1.81%
ensure 1.80%
make 1.70%
reduce 1.42%
help 1.23%
forward 1.02%
每页显示:    共 70