51.   Newspapers historically have provided that common pool of information, but readership throughout the nation is in steady decline.

52.   Paralleling the steady decline in prices for DVD players, DVD recorders for the home entertainment center are becoming less expensive.

53.   Retail sales are expected to be boosted by a steady decline in interest rates.

54.   Rising demand from the U.S. and Europe has resulted in a steady decline in exchange-monitored stockpiles.

55.   She said abortion foes also were buoyed by national numbers showing a steady decline in the number of abortions being performed over the past four years.

56.   Short-term interest rates climbed after three months of steady decline.

57.   So America is blessed with a steady decline in middle-class population, happiness in Wall Street and ever rising pay for our corporate bosses.

58.   Some say yes, particularly if back-to-basics, stand-for-something affirmations can reverse the steady decline in mainline Protestant church membership.

59.   Steady declines in enrollment at nursing schools combined with nurse shortages around the nation are raising concerns about patient care and prompting new calls for federal action.

60.   Some interpreted the Congress Party move as an attempt toward somehow taking power again despite a steady decline in popular support.

a. + decline >>共 513
sharp 9.92%
recent 5.47%
steep 4.96%
further 4.32%
economic 3.59%
overnight 2.80%
steady 2.59%
biggest 2.21%
sales 2.11%
first 1.82%
steady + n. >>共 818
stream 12.62%
growth 5.92%
rain 4.28%
flow 3.52%
decline 2.68%
increase 2.42%
diet 2.36%
supply 2.12%
job 1.94%
progress 1.88%
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