51.   One student spoke about how Manuel recycled soda bottles to pay for food but used some of that money to buy the student a small gift.

52.   Or line pot with cellophane, fill with small gifts and tie with a bow.

53.   Once Atlantis and Mir are connected, the shuttle crew plans to greet the three astronauts aboard Mir and exchange small gifts.

54.   Roll small gifts in colored tissue, then place in a clear jar.

55.   Shopping in the antique district one afternoon, I stop at a small gift shop, looking for a wooden bowl.

56.   She was inexhaustibly thoughtful, always checking in, sending small gifts, and fretting that she was not being a good enough friend, seemingly to hundreds.

57.   Small gifts as well?

58.   She remembers Hanukkah as a delightful time with the family exchanging small gifts, lighting the menorah and eating latkes.

59.   Small gifts, usually handmade, are exchanged on each day and the celebration culminates in a feast on the seventh night featuring African, African-American and Caribbean foods.

60.   So they decided to buy each other small gifts and treat a few close friends to an outing.

a. + gift >>共 815
wedding 3.15%
small 2.99%
great 2.89%
perfect 2.73%
special 2.56%
expensive 2.43%
lavish 1.61%
free 1.58%
parting 1.31%
greatest 1.28%
small + n. >>共 1140
business 4.25%
group 4.22%
town 3.18%
amount 2.42%
number 2.42%
company 1.95%
child 1.74%
bowl 1.43%
craft 1.15%
part 1.00%
gift 0.14%
每页显示:    共 90