51.   Everything between these teams has seemed to rest on the slender thread of a single shot.

52.   Footman fired a single shot to her head, the police said, and ran off.

53.   For Princeton, there was not a single dunk shot, not a single fast break, not a single bad shot taken.

54.   He also said that Lawson might have taken his own life because he died of a single shot to the forehead.

55.   He has nearly cleared the table, and left those who follow him in the game not a single clear shot.

56.   He drilled it dead with a single shot and with that drove the marauders into retreat.

57.   He then ordered them to the floor and fired single shots into the skulls of the first two men in line, killing both.

58.   He then moved among the wounded, firing single shots into their heads.

59.   Her lawyers conceded that she had fired the single shot that sent Selena running out of the motel room into a nearby lobby, where she collapsed and died.

60.   If a single shot is fired, hundreds of volleys are returned by the terrified recruits afraid of their own shadow.

a. + shot >>共 610
warning 7.57%
first 5.83%
good 4.12%
second 4.05%
solo 2.69%
best 2.27%
last 2.27%
single 1.94%
final 1.82%
blocked 1.73%
single + n. >>共 1203
currency 9.33%
mother 2.83%
day 1.46%
digit 1.43%
parent 1.29%
woman 1.11%
layer 1.01%
market 0.96%
shot 0.90%
run 0.90%
每页显示:    共 200