51.   This question is unlikely to be resolved in the non-ambulatory laboratory setting with short recording periods.

52.   These reports, however, were based mainly on small groups of patients studied for short periods of time.

53.   When administred for short periods its toxicity seems low but may cause nausea, abdominal cramps, and abnormal liver function tests.

54.   These patterns of contractile activity occur in all healthy subjects and are normally recorded with tube mounted pressure sensors.

55.   There was, however, no correlation between the motility patterns and the short postprandial periods of sleep.

56.   This result was not unexpected, given the relatively short period these patients had been following the gluten free diet before entering the protocol.

57.   Later applicants may therefore wish to wait until the new practising year commences to avoid paying two sets of fees within a short period.

58.   Even within these short periods attendance was irregular.

59.   He was still supplemented by special ambassadors sent for short periods for particular purposes, though their functions became more and more purely formal.

60.   He will quite likely suffer from insomnia, sleeping for short periods, dozing fitfully and perhaps lying awake through the early hours of the morning.

a. + period >>共 576
second 11.27%
first 9.66%
third 9.10%
long 7.32%
same 4.51%
short 3.58%
extended 2.33%
longer 2.31%
waiting 2.13%
brief 1.92%
short + n. >>共 766
term 9.40%
program 3.75%
period 3.45%
supply 3.21%
run 2.98%
distance 2.87%
notice 2.38%
time 2.05%
while 1.69%
game 1.52%
每页显示:    共 544