51.   While rationalism and material progress are taken for granted in the West, they have very little bearing on views of the world shaping life in much of Africa.

52.   Whimsical as it may seem, the GraffitiWriter is the latest in a new breed of protests both enabled by technology and shaped in its image.

53.   Your body changes shape in peculiar ways and blood tests indicate you cannot properly metabolize fat, perhaps increasing your risk of a fatal heart attack.

54.   And next year he plans to invite foreign artists to paint male roots, carve them from stone and wood and shape them in pottery.

55.   But unlike the wealthy, patrician Lien, Siew has a reputation as a man of the people, shaped in the mold of his president.

56.   Each slab is shaped in such a way as to be neither geometric nor amorphous, with echoes of both types.

57.   Hands clasped, lips shaped in neither smile nor frown, he constantly seems to be wrestling with weighty issues.

58.   He hit a fade around the corner and I hit a nice draw that shaped right in there.

59.   Known locally as an agricultural hub, south Dade saw its national identity shaped in the post-Andrew days by TV images of tent cities and relief organizations.

60.   She gathered enough strength to blow out the three candles shaped in the numbers of her age.

v. + in >>共 995
live 3.94%
say 2.38%
remain 2.16%
be 1.95%
kill 1.91%
work 1.82%
base 1.78%
use 1.69%
die 1.53%
stay 1.52%
shape 0%
shape + p. >>共 34
like 69.22%
in 8.32%
as 4.49%
with 2.91%
to 2.11%
for 1.98%
of 1.06%
around 1.06%
than 1.06%
over 1.06%
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