51.   Two other men were convicted and sentenced to die for their part in the murder.

52.   Under that law, a person can be sentenced to die only at trial, not after a guilty plea.

53.   Two of the six defendants who have been sentenced to die did not ask to make mercy pleas.

54.   Valentine restored her sight, and for this miracle he was sentenced to die.

55.   What neither side could discuss on Wednesday was the underlying reason for prosecuting a man who had already passed through one murder trial and had been sentenced to die.

56.   Wilkerson and Guidry were both sentenced to die by lethal injection for Houston slayings.

57.   Pakistani sentenced to die for deadly shooting spree.

58.   A decorated Gulf War veteran, Timothy McVeigh, was convicted and sentenced to die for the attack.

59.   A leading human-rights official with the United Nations added his voice Tuesday to international pleas for clemency for a woman sentenced to die in Texas.

60.   A Palestinian police officer who shot and burned a fellow officer to death was sentenced to die for the crime Tuesday by a Palestinian military court.

v. + die >>共 76
sentence 36.00%
lie 24.67%
will 4.67%
be 2.67%
come 2.33%
abandon 1.00%
injure 1.00%
say 1.00%
willing 1.00%
engineer 0.67%
sentence + v. >>共 41
die 36.36%
prison 17.85%
hang 13.13%
serve 5.39%
jail 5.39%
be 2.36%
spend 2.02%
time 1.68%
follow 1.68%
find 1.35%
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