51.   Hewlett-Packard Co. and Xerox Corp. are also investing in technology that allows customers to manipulate digital photos and send them through the Internet.

52.   His most recent bomb, sent through the US mail, killed timber industry lobbyist Gilbert P. Murray Monday in Sacramento, Calif.

53.   How else can one explain the chill sent through Wall Street by the news of hundreds of thousands of new jobs and reduced unemployment?

54.   His job as a newspaper route driver sent him through territory that caught the attention of his quick mind.

55.   If that means having needles poked into his shoulder and electrical currents sent through his body, Cone will do it.

56.   Image APB allows law enforcement agencies to send through wireless technology photos or other information about suspects.

57.   In addition, the Web-based systems tend to provide more up-to-date information, while data sent through the Intuit network is generally delayed by about a day.

58.   In addition to confirmed instances of anthrax being sent through the mail, there have been many cases of suspicious, powdery-looking material turning up in letters.

59.   In essence, a quantum cryptography code would be sent through optic fibers in the form of individual pulses of light, called photons.

60.   In my particular case, he sent me through a different kind of college.

v. + through >>共 930
continue 3.35%
work 2.78%
make 2.76%
cut 2.67%
spread 2.40%
push 1.57%
suffer 1.38%
last 1.12%
play 1.11%
sell 1.09%
send 0.59%
send + p. >>共 73
over 13.21%
through 9.49%
along 7.07%
in 6.98%
as 6.98%
with 6.76%
by 5.01%
down 4.34%
via 4.16%
across 4.03%
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