51.   Those figures show the number of shares in each stock that have been borrowed and sold short, but not yet repurchased, by the reporting date.

52.   Typical lockups forbid shareholders from transferring shares either directly or indirectly by selling, selling short, loaning or granting any options for the purchase of the shares.

53.   Traders are selling short the stock of Tyco and buying Keystone in a bet that the spread will widen as Keystone stock increases, he said.

54.   While shares are most often sold short to bet on a decline in price, shorting is also used as part of many other strategies.

55.   With a new stock like Palm, however, it can be difficult to find shares to borrow, limiting the ability to sell them short.

56.   You can trade them in and out in a single day, and you can sell them short.

57.   You might say that for once, Shay had sold himself short.

58.   A sell-off in natural gas futures also pressured the crude complex, analysts said, prompting traders to sell short.

59.   Carliner thinks Dial sells himself short.

60.   If you anticipate a downturn in Malaysian stocks, for example, just sell short the KLCI stock index futures.

v. + short >>共 16
cut 87.72%
sell 5.18%
keep 2.79%
leave 1.20%
crop 1.12%
find 0.56%
consider 0.48%
have 0.16%
make 0.16%
order 0.16%
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